Friday, January 21, 2005

Gadget corner: The Robo-Maid

No, this is not a wife substitute as the name might imply. This is, instead, the "as sold on TV" miracle, the "robotic vacuum for the poor masses." You can spend $300 at The Sharper Image, but the discerning gadget buff knows that for only 10.50, this amazing household gadget can be yours!
Morgan likes it, Rudy is unimpressed, and Kate has yet to see how revolutionary this will be. I have two happily cleaning upstairs and down as we speak!

1 comment:

Freehawk said...

These really are great. What they do is random swifter the floors for an hour and a half or so. I bought a Roomba on ebay, so I will report how that does in comparison, but these are really cheap and easy.