Monday, October 31, 2005

Annals of Books: Catching up on the reading list

Each time I try to post this my computer crashes.
Best book lately is Tyrannosaur Canyon by Preston.
The Traveler by Hawks was ok, as I finished it thinking it needed a sequel, I read the back jacket that it is part one of three.
The March by Doctorow was ok, about Sherman's March (the activity not the month) through the South, with a stop in Columbia to watch the Gamecocks play.
Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of Warfare is a nonfiction that I enjoyed.
I have been meaning to read Freakonomics and The World is Flat, but they are packed in a box somewhere due to the renovation of our book room.
I have a promising new (to me) author named Steve Alten, he writes technothrillers like Preston and Childs.

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