With the kids Friday night (Mrs was late getting back from out of town). It was pretty good, a bit intense for MEB (MHB spent part of the time watching her to make sure she was not "sad.") Pretty good Star Wars movie.
Although George Lucas is a genius about many things, I am skeptical about his storytelling. How hard is it to foreshadow when you start at the end? I also do not believe he had it all planned out, I think he made things up as he went along. Especially after the first movie. Therefore some of the later movies boxed him in.
Examples: Why did Obi-wan say "you must learn from Yoda, the jedi master who trained me." How did Darth Vader ever figure out Luke was his son? If it is just feeling the Force as MHB guesses (probably correctly) then why when he was faced with Leia in the interrogation scene, did he not note the force was strong with her, etc? Also, Vader and Leia appeared to be acquainted in Episode IV. Why hide Luke on Tatooine, Vader's home planet, with people he knows? Why, when flying over Tatooine in IV, did Vader not note in some way that this was his home planet? And why wipe C3POs memory and not R2D2s?
Still, I liked the movie. Lots of action, and the bad dialogue scenes were mercifully short and to the point.